Friday, July 13, 2012

Running Into It All

A few months ago, a friend of mine approached me with the idea of running a 5k together. I laughed. I'm not a runner. I'm athletic and always have been, but I haven't done much since high school (some 6ish years ago) and I have NEVER been a runner. And 5k sounds like a LOOOONG distance!

But I thought about her idea and realized there are no negative points about giving it a try. I could get in some exercise, stress relief, strength, quiet time, AND I might lose a little marriage weight & work on being diligent. Not to mention being able to call myself a runner someday (how cool would that be!). With these ideas in my head (and the understanding that 5k is actually only 3.1 miles...), I set out to build a plan, find a run, and get motivated. Through those baby steps I found myself getting more and more excited to do this thing! was kinda weird how excited I got...

Googling couch to 5k was one of the first places I started. The internet has a million suggestions, so I was able to piece together what I needed. The plan I found and built for myself worked around my weekly schedule, gave me 2-4 rest days per week (fewer as I got stronger), and allowed me to work up slowly over the course of 12 weeks.  Everything was structured, but I had a little wiggle room just in case life happened.

I think the run I discovered has a lot to do with my motivation level. It's called the Color Run. The entire Color Run 5k is all about having fun and there's very little pressure. As you run along in your required white t-shirt, all the spectators get to throw colored powder at you! By the end of it, your shirt will be beautifully rainbow-colored! Who wouldn't want to have rainbow powder chucked at them??

The support I've received from those around me has also been phenomenal! Everyone I've shared with has been excited for me and incredibly encouraging. I have persuaded many of my friends (including the one who initially brought up the idea to me!) and family to participate in the run with me and our team is still growing! So, to those of you who support me in this beginning endeavor - thank you!

At this point, I'm 9 weeks into my training and proud to say that I've only had to take one week off (due to life and slight injury) and am now able to run 2.25 miles straight!! I know that may not seem like much to those of you who run that on a daily basis, but for me it is incredible!! I have dealt with shin splints and learned about minimalist running as I've started this journey and I am training myself in diligence and determination.

I've mentioned diligence a few times. This is one of my biggest struggles and I believe that this running will help me practice diligence, which will transfer over to other areas of my life. I have challenged myself to keep to my running schedule and, despite minor slip ups or set backs, I can see the beginning of some results.

Here's to earning my someday new title: Runner!