Saturday, July 30, 2011

Pausing in the Busy

Life is just busy. But despite that, it's always a blessing when you can pause for a second and reflect on everything that is constantly buzzing around. For me, when I take that pause - like right now - I realize how silly getting stressed is and how blessed I really am.

Tonight my in-laws are taking the hubby and I out to dinner to celebrate our 2nd anniversary and Nick's 24th birthday. What a fun night it shall be! A relaxing night of good food and great company. (Hopefully my Nicky-poo won't be too tired or sunburnt after a long day of beach baptism facilitating.) I lucked out with the best in-laws a girl could ask for. I love them so dearly.

This coming week I get to go hang out with my Jr. High kiddos for a few days! There will be wonderful worship, amazing teachings, and energetic kids overloading on sugar. And of course just a few minutes of sleep. The kids make every Calvary Chapel summer camp a memorable adventure and I'm so excited to see what God will be teaching all of us. This summer, my wonderful hubby gets the honor of teaching one of the workshops up there. So cool! I'm so thankful that I get to help out with these camps, even though I have to leave a day early this time to get back to work. It will definitely all be worth driving down the mountain alone Tuesday morning. God is so cool.

Unfortunately, in this busy little week there is also a memorial. My grandfather passed away a little while ago. It's a little bit odd for me since I haven't seen him in years, but I remember some really good times. When I was little, we used to call him the "grandpa with the mole" because he has a large mole on his forehead. Now that I think about it, it sounds so rude. But back then, it was kind of like a funny little nickname that we all laughed about. Hopefully, a lot of my family will be at the memorial so good memories will get passed around.

Throughout the week, there will be a million errands to run and preparations to make. But at the end, a flurry of packing and final stomach butterflies will ensue as the hubby and I get ready to take off on a grand adventure!! Yippee for being blissfully busy!! (And I mean that most sincerely.)

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